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Re: --Take Responsibility for your choices--
grzbear Views: 18,040
Published: 19 y
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Re: --Take Responsibility for your choices--

denial and a strong reluctance to BELIEVE that they have been misled and\or lied to either intentionally or unintentionally by those in positions of TRUST (clergy, medicine, government, authority, etc) who would make a buck on their current desperate need for resolution to a\many major health crisis... and then a great deal of anger when they realize this AND understand that they have been forced into supporting a system (this happens frequently in the natural health and supplement industry too!) designed to keep them on treatment\medicine\supplement for profit for a lifetime to treat SYMPTOMS, not CAUSE.

I am constantly told I will get skin cancer because I spend 3 - 6 hours a week in a harsh sun... I have not burnt for two summers now and bronze like I never have before while people with pale skin who constantly slather on the sunscreen are getting pieces of skin cut off and biopsied all around me. I have never seen this healthy of a tan on me even when I was a kid and the few wrinkles and skin discolorations I did have are fading quite a bit. Not bad for a 50 year old male! I must be building an alkaline mantle... Another cause to believe this, is that on a recent trip to the mountains I had 2 insect bites without using any insect repellent, most others had at least 6 to dozens in spite of using the bug spray repeatedly on their skin.

How can they make money if they "cure" you or tell you the TRUTH? The companies that sell sun screen and bug spray do not make money on me any more :-)

Still got to work on the knees and the weight though, but I do see and feel things getting better in that department!



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