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Re: Fasting and oil pull this morning is different
Just D Views: 1,830
Published: 19 y
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Re: Fasting and oil pull this morning is different

I am pretty sure I read on here that someone had a surprise mini flush of stones directly after pulling one morning. I personally believe it does much to get the bile flowing, if from nothing else than the difference in my estrogen levels since I have been pulling. I even tossed the wild yam cream. There is a good article on the liver and the relation to women's disorders here:

That was interesting, what you said about the fats. I wondered about the no fats before the flush thing:

"but it seems that any messages to the liver from masticating, especially oil, would trigger bile production. this is the theory in the liver flush, where the nonfat food taken that day increases bile production but does not trigger its release when it flows past the bile duct. this allows the pressure in the liver and gallbladder to build for when the fats do come down the gut and then wham, it gushes forth. people have reported feeling the liver spasm from the olive oil/grapefruit juice that they drink."

I am going to have to break down and do a liver flush, soon. Maybe on my birthday weekend! whee ha.


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