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Re: breatheless after flush
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Published: 19 y
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Re: breatheless after flush

I would suggest starting to take some kind of fiber daily. Dr. Natura Fiber is good and has always worked well for me. Alot of people use Psyllium and Bentonite liquid shakes (aka - P&B shakes). Those didn't work for me and actually made me constipated, but I have heard that many have a lot of success. I would not suggest doing too many enemas as your body could get dependent on them. If that happens you will have problems having a regular BM. I normally take my Dr. Natura in the morning and every other day I will drink Get Regular tea by yogi tea. Also, the parasite cleanse is super important. Before doing your Liver Flush I would suggest taking Black-Walnut Hull, Clove and Wormwood herbs for 7 days. You should be able to get a tincture made from all 3 either on the internet or at a health store. I would take that 2-3 times a day for 7 days. This should kill your parasties. parasites can keep your Liver Flush from being successful. You should also prepare your kidneys for the flush as well. You can do this by fasting on organic apple juice or eatting only organic apples and cucumbers for 3 days right before the flush. So do 7 days parasite, 3 days apple diet then next day flush. All the while take your fiber supplement (except the day of the flush and the next day). This will help prepare your body. For your diet try to eat lots of veggies and atleast one helping of fruit a day. Avoid alcohol, yeast, bread, flours, sugar, junk. Eat lots of green veggies, apples, berries, nuts (brazil, walnuts, almonds), seeds and self-juiced juices. Wheatgrass juice is great for detoxing. Detox tea and chamomile teas are good too. All of this will help your body to start functioning better and help it to heal. I hope this helps.


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