I've been working with a homeopath who told me my situation (heavy, clotty periods and enlarged ovaries/ovarian "cysts" on ultrasound) were actually due to what is likely a long term protozoan infection, and that the protoza are hanging out in and around those organs and drawing blood into the area. Her testing is entirely by kinesiology and a lot of intuition, but she's had me on many different vibrational homeopathics over the past year (protozoa are tough to clear since they morph into new resistant forms as you're killing them off), and my periods are definitely lighter and less clotty. I had exactly what you described. I still have a ways to go, but I think she might have been right, and I did have a feeling that it had something to do with infection, which is why I never went for the laporoscopic surgery they recommended (told me I probably had endometriosis). It might be hard, but see if you can find a really skilled practioner that could test you for parasites and protozoa, in particular. Mine feels that 70% of all "illness" is actually due to protozoan infection as the root cause. Mind blowing.