Re: calories on a juice fast
Sorry but had to LOL about the HIDE ALL FOOD. I'm fasting while cooking for my husband, and my four and one year old sons....I could try doing it blindfolded I guess.
I do agree about not watching food adverts on TV.....OMG everything looks ten times more tantalising when you're fasting and they KNOW how to speak to your hunger!
Fabulous idea to write down the reasons and I'm going to do that TODAY! Thanks for the reminder :o)
My juice fasting history:
1997: 5 days (inspired by Raw Energy book.)
1998: 5 days again.
2000: 7 days juice fast with psyllium and enemas (no headaches with this fast and it converted me to using elimination methods to aid in toxin release.)
2001: 6 days...wanted to make it to 10 but felt too tired to deal with a big workload at the time. Liver flushed a few days afterwards.
(Break of few years, having babies and breastfeeding.)
2005: 10 days. I felt so good during and after this fast I've been wanting to aim for a longer (3 or 4 weeks) fast.
Currently on day 4 and taking 1 day at a time. (Would LOVE to achieve 28 days. Maybe even 30?)
The biggest thing for me has just been to BE determined, and to stay close to home for the first 4 days.
Also, juice plenty without giving calories a second thought....stay feeling well and energised. You'll go longer and cleanse deeper. That's my advice to the original poster.