Alternatives for Battered Women
There are alternatives for women who are battered. For women who are threatened or hurt or intimidated. For women who are not safe.
One of the tragedies for battered women is the overwhelming feeling of being alone. Of not knowing where to turn for help. Alternatives for Battered Women is that help.
Alternatives for Battered Women offers safe and nurturing shelter for women endangered by domestic violence and their children. We help women stay safe, help them access Family Court to obtain orders of protection, and provide them with information about community resources. We can answer questions about hurtful dating relationships or the warning signs that their partner is becoming abusive. Often, we simply help people who need to talk to someone, someone who understands.
Each year we respond to between 6,000 and 7,000 calls to our hotline.
Our Mission...
Alternatives for Battered Women exists to enhance the quality of life and empower individuals affected by or at risk of domestic violence.
Alternatives for Battered Women is a not-for-profit agency serving victims of domestic violence in Rochester and Monroe County, New York. We offer:
24 HOUR HOTLINE - providing access to the shelter, information and referral and counseling.
38 BED EMERGENCY DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SHELTER - for women and children. Women and children receive safe housing, counseling, education, information, access to multiple support groups, assistance and planning for the family's future housing needs and legal information.
WALK-IN COUNSELING - short-term individual counseling is available for extremely urgent situations.
SANA Y SALVA - SAFE AND SOUND - crisis and on-going residential and non-residential services for Latina women.
CHILDREN'S PROGRAM - a full range of services for children and their mothers (who are residing in the shelter) includes counseling, groups, information and referral, social and recreational activities.
TRANSITIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES - small groups, topic focused groups, open community support groups and individual consultation is available to women from the community who are coping with the effects of an abusive relationship or the aftermath.
FAMILY COURT ADVOCACY - an ABW advocate is stationed at the Domestic Violence Intensive Intervention Court located at the Hall of Justice. This program assists women who are petitioning this part of Family Court for an Order of Protection. The Advocate may accompany the petitioner into court and provide a referral to our partner, the Legal Aid Society, for legal representation.
DATING VIOLENCE EDUCATION - a preventive, educational program for youth and those that work with youth in Monroe County. Dating Violence educators conduct classroom presentations on developing healthy dating relationships and identifying unhealthy or abusive relationships. The program also provides short-term educational support groups in area high schools for students assessed to be at higher risk.
SPEAKER'S BUREAU - individualized presentations about domestic violence and agency services are available to community groups, professionals and educational institutions in the greater Monroe County area.
Alternatives for Battered Women is a founding member of the New York State Coalition Against Domestic Violence and the Rochester/Monroe County Domestic Violence Consortium, and a member of the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence.
To obtain help or to find out how to help, call Alternatives for Battered Women at (585)232-7353 and TTY (585)232-1741.