Dear Klyd:
As a veteran of three abusive marriages, I've been free from abuse totally for two I allowed my estranged hubby back into my life to visit, two years ago, and was sexually abused again, just during visits. So, it finally sank in, that in spite of all his disclaimers and the "cheerleaders" on his side, he would never change. He used preachers, actual ex-addicts, etc., to try to convince me.
However, my children from my first two marriages (none from this one), are honeying up in relationships with their now-wealthy fathers. They are being blind-sided just like I was, and I can see my future grandkids will be abused by these men. They both married "cover-up" wives, so nothing will ever be said.
My first ex is the worst. He was an addict, and started selling from the apartment, even tho' he was also working and so was I. He was physically abusive to the babies, trying to kill them a few times. He threatened me with the hit man who had come over with the thugs to set up the business. It's a long story, so I won't continue.
Now, tho', he's lied and cried big tears to the offspring, now 30 and 31 years of age. He told them, none of that is true, and I'm a whore and a liar, who broke his heart (I went out one night, after he had left us and was living with another woman, but would keep the kids while I worked)
and robbed him of his kids!! He had left us, smiling, and told me to give the kids to someone, or give them up for adoption.
Then, my sister, addicted to prescription drugs, told my kids I'd been a whore all thru high school...I was a virgin at graduation and greatly mocked for being one! Under the drugs, late at night, she will turn anything I say completely around into an absolute untruth, vehemently so.
I've stopped confiding in her, after figuring that out.
So now, my kids hate me, the "liar and whore", and love their dads. I'm also saved and try to obey the Word of God, and their dads hate that. The whistleblower on abuse, I guess. But I always tell them God will forgive them if they repent. And He will.
Of course, this estranged hubby insists, "I have repented!" so he can get back in and hurt me some more. That's done with.
In any case, I've sought counseling here, but there is none unless you are in a shelter or on some government program or will submit to government programs.
Is there anywhere else I can turn? I'd sure appreciate knowing about it.
I do have friends and we do support each other. Maybe that is enough, I don't know.
Anyway, God bless you and keep you and thanks for reading.