I'm a Libra too. Sometime's I don't know if that is good or not. People always come to me to talk about their problems because I have a good ear, and I'm usually good at conflicts between others. The problem is I need some guidence myself and was so happy when I saw this forum. I'm 43 and tomorrow is my birthday. I have two children (boys, ages 7 and 10). Both very active! I am married and both my husband and I work full time. For about a year or so, I've felt like something is missing and just not right in my life. I'm very overwelmed with everything. I have been thinking alot about my grandmother who passed away 4 years ago. She was also a Libra. We were very close and I miss her dearly. Do you see anything that would help me cope or am I going to be like this forever. Do we have spirits that can help us out? How do you seek them out? I was told one time that I had a spirt that was a family member watching over me and he had a fiddle. Checking down the family line my mother had an uncle who used to come down to their farm when she was little and he played the fiddle. Any advice?