A question for Cap'n A.
/The cloaked figure pushes back the hood to reveal a smiling face with a patch over one eye./
"Aharr matey!!" She says with a grin. "Ye be the very sort o' ship that I be lookin' ferr then. I be lookin' ferr wild adventure, one that'll shake yer very soul, I also be looking to get this eye o' mine back. I be a good, hard workin' woman, handy at many trades and a good cook besides, and I no be scared of a momentary droop of the lotus, for that be all it can be, momentary. The crew shall help each other through the darker places and we shall make sure that no man or woman or animal be left behind. ..and dust?! Why, dust can always be cleaned come journey's end."
/A pause in which she purses her lips and strokes her chin as a white dove alights on her shoulder, she absently strokes its head./
"Know ye the way of the journey yet?" She says in a strong voice. "Nay, ne'ermind, that be not important ferr now... nor the question of treasure. The question ferr now be will ye take me on fer the training Cap'n A?" she finally asks.
/Stars fill the blackness as the fog dissipates and as she steps forwards to the ship, as she does this, the jetty begins to fade away./