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Turmeric Bowel Cleanse
Hulda Clark Cleanses

rygar Views: 1,595
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 723,016


it's frustrating isn't it? unfortunantly it took me a very very very long time to figure EXACTLY how to eat correctly for my bodytype,and believe me it was a hard and long ordeal just to peice it all together myself..took me about 2 1/2 years of fasting and monitoring exactly what i ate and how i reacted to it.For starters- this is based on the warrior diet scedule- but you will have to ultimatly fast and get all the crap out of your system (any type of perservatives,artificial crap floating around in the system,stored toxins etc.) next, you have to figure out exactly what kinds of foods give you a positive and a negative response to it.Brain fog,fatigue,anxiety,mood swings etc,these are all symptoms that can be avoided completly i say-And it's still my belief that it's all triggered by the foods we eat.

Me personaly, i can basicly eat anything i want to as long as i avoid the following,high fructose corn syrup,dextrose,high sodium foods,wheat,gluten,white rice and spicy foods.Though i eat foods containing them on occassion , the foods i do eat are mostly pineapples,soft boiled eggs,rare/raw beef,lightly cooked chicken and thats about it.IF i do induldge in junk food..I DO IT RIGHT!!!
lol! no half hearted bingeing over here!!! i figure at the end of the rope, i really doubt that it's gonna matter if i ate some fried chicken or some burgers and fried occassionally.It's the chroinic consumption and toxic build up of the crap that makes us, if only eating raw foods or veggies and fruits..i may be really healthy or whatever but i would no doubt be weaker and less agilile.Trust me i done it before and i lost alot of strength trying the all vegetarian route,the same on a mixed foods diet carbs,protein,veggies.I do way better on rare meats,fats and pineapples with the occassional whole hearted cheat days..that's about it really, nothing really special over here.i basicly just fast all day and then eat at night, mostly rare meats , some butter and thats about it.The only thing differently i do now as opposed to the WD routine that i did before is intermitent fasting-where i will fast all day and eat lightly for a few days (two large pineapple smooties for dinner) then i will eat heartily for like two.My system runs alot better when it's not bogged down by soo much foods in my gut,also since i have trained my body to do so- i can pretty much digest things quickly and efficiantly then i did before .without trouble. that's my only secret really..also do some reasearch on the healing effects of pineapple..but also be well aware of it's side effects and if you can tolorate it or not,like many things it can be dangerous..much like garlic, i read that people go overboard on the cloves and eat them like crazy,but did you know that it's a potent blood thinner? and that too much can currode the intestinal lining as well as the stomach lining because the chemicals in the garlic are that powerfull? it can also cause a host of other probelms..always be cautious i say...

i want to eventually start the primal diet with a warrior diet scedule as soon as i educate myself completly on it.


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