very very rare
and chicken lightly cooked,just about cooked but definetly NOT overdone the least bit.Tender and juicy on the inside,skin still really moist and tender as well. my mom had a bad habit overcooking everything and it made me sick! dried foods are nasty! my steaks, i eat them fresh from the store, lightly - i mean very very lightly salt & pepper them then i sear them on both sides quickly ,cover it and turn down the heat and let it sit for a sec or two..and i am done! all the fatty trimmings and everything! a nice fat bloody red blue rare steak!! a slab of butter and then some soft boiled eggs later on in the night.When i graduate from rare i will go onto raw-completly ,eggs and all..might try a little chicken as well,maybe pork if i feel brave- or suicidal
i am not sure i have as much faith in Vonderplanitz (or should i say 'Fawkingnutz')
just yet..but i am very daring so i may do the raw thing for like a year or two.i tried an all rare meats diet for like two years with the warrior diet regimine and felt okay (though i also drank excessivly and
Sugar was my best friend,though i had very little carbs..the alchoal and
Sugar was making me crazy! but it was fun!!!!)
wanna know a secret? for me,if i want to go back to eating clean...i will binge out and eat ANYTHING i want to to the point of illness! why in the world would i do that? because i am the type of person that if something makes me ill..i am very very very reluctant to ever eat it again! unless of course it cures me of whatever woes i might be experiancing at the time.For instance,every now and then if i become too stressed out or whatever..i reach for comfort foods..and i totally binge out for like a few days, i am talking pizza,burgers,french fries,fried chicken,ice cream,cookies you name it..i will eat myself ill. when i feel like crap from all the junk i have been eating, the sheer contrast alone from eating clean Vs eating shit??? ALWAYS knocks me back into reality and reminds me WHY i eat the way i do and WHY i do eat clean..because i feel like crap when i don't! the congestion is horrible! the indigestion ,the gas,the stomach cramps..i feel really really really ill and i no longer have a desire to eat junk for a long long long time! i have some crap every now and then , but in the back of my mind i rememeber..if i eat too much of it , will make me ill and that thought alone makes me nausuas,the anticipation of the sickness and ill feelings is a strong enough deterant for me!
i eat cleanly 90% of the time anyways so it's not such a big deal, not like eating 90% crap then eating like a salad or something thinking that i have done something good for myself- which is utter BS and what most average people do.
as for the binges? oh well, i am not perfect..i am sure everyone can relate to bingeing every now and then..i don't lie to myself or make excuses..if i am gonna binge,i enjoy it,make no excuses and for godsake..i do it right!
pig out..then puke from being sick! if you don't learn the hard way, you'll never learn!!!
but yes, 90% my foods consists of mostly lightly cooked meats,some veggies,pineapples,soft boiled eggs and thats about it.
fit and trim,lean and hungry- still fasting 15-18 hours out of my days and still
yes, i still drink Coronas ...and red bulls ...
and have been known to smoke a doobie every now and then
i have always been an advocate for eating healthy and living a healthy lifestyle,
but NEVER was a fan of the whole militant strict eating plan or having extreme views on what to eat and when to eat it.Carnivores Vs vegetarianism non-sense..
eat what you want!
take care