MH & the Amish.
I am interested in the Amish way of life and, although there are some aspects I disagree with, there is much that I find admirable. I was, therefore, disturbed by something MH said in one of his posts.
I, therefore sent the following e-mail to
"I am interested in the Amish way of life and hope to visit their region next year.
Right now I have a question. I read on a forum a statement that I find hard to believe. It said that the Amish rarely wash, that the people have dung between their toes for most of their lives and that when a baby wets or dirties a diaper they just hang it on the washing line to dry, before using it again." I find this very hard to believe.
Could you give me some information on Amish beliefs regarding cleanliness and hygiene?"
I have just received this response:
"Please know that the information passed on to you was quite erroneous and disturbing to say the least. The Amish lifestyle is religious based and one that holds family and the value of human life in high regard. Although their faith stresses humility, it certainly does not condone slovenliness. They believe in hard work and often work close to the land. Amish homes are tidy and well kept. Amish children are loved and well cared for and personal hygiene is certainly part of the Amish culture-- for all ages."