Thank you for sharing your inspiring story. I'm very close to just going to the doctor and asking to be put on something for depression, but your story makes me want to give it one more try.
I feel kinda emotionally zombie-like, like no joy but no crying fits either, cannot concentrate worth a hoot, very spacey, very worried and anxious as well. I've never been diagnosed w/bipolar, just major depression, but you seem to know alot about aminos. Part of me wants to go try some phenylaline and see if it perks me out of this funk. Another part of me wonders about theanine for the anxiety and I've read about some other options on I've been trying 5-htp but been playing around w/the dosage trying to see if it'll work without much luck. I think I may be having problems absorbing, so I didn't know if I should just take a whole whole lot or what. Any help you could provide would be very much appreciated. I seriously called my doctor this morning for an appointment, but she's on vacation apparently, which maybe is a sign. I just wanna feel like me again.