Re: Chiropractic work
Yes, many times. They work wonders without drugs, if you find a good one. I have recently come across an excellent one in the San Fernando Valley (West) of California. He understands all about removing toxins from our environment and systems, eating properly, parasites, etc..... Teaches these free classes in the evenings in addition to this practice..... I went to him as I have had a chronic pain in my rear since about September. Dr. Clark, when I attended her clinic for my melanoma, could not find anything in the muscle or bones with her syncrometer, so I thought maybe after I lost my weight, changed my environment and did some cleanses, it would go away. No such luck. M.D. could find nothing either, but probably would have eventually prescribed drugs. Decided to go the chiropractor route and within a couple of days, it has subsided, but I know it will take a bit more time to realign the spine to take care of it completely.....
Good Luck....I dont think you will be sorry...