I very nearly adored the two I went to back in Atlanta, GA. For the 6 months between breaking my lower back and actually getting surgery, chiropractic care is what allowed me to function *at all*. (In fact, it was the x-rays the chiro took that discovered my broken vertebra.) Afterwards, the physical therapist my insurance sent me to was partnered with a different chiropractor who reviewed my x-rays and MRI's and added in some upper back adjustments during the grueling initial rehab period - FOR NO CHARGE.
I asked around and got references for the first one - and a LOT of warnings about a LOT of other, highly advertised ones. What cliched it was my sister. She had been through numerous car accidents and even more numerous therapists and chiropractors until she found the one she nearly insisted I use. The second one was simply the Universe being exceptionally kind to me.
A good chiro will insist on at least one set of x-rays plus a full mobility assessment. If you find one who just watches you walk and then wants to start cracking, run or hobble away as quickly as you can!
Also, a good chiro will most likely have different types of alternative health magazines or flyers or similar items in the waiting area as well. Expect a good chiro to talk to you about the entire package of good health, not just the spine. Both of mine incorporated kinesology, various massage therapies (offered in conjunction with qualified massage and physical therapists), air and water quality, diet, and positive thinking right along and beside the spinal adjustment.