Any odor present is most likely a result of bacterial imbalance and improper pH, as the vagina relies on a very acidic environment and the right balance of vaginal flora. Anything from Prolonged or repeated Antibiotic usage, intercourse, even menstruation upsets the vaginal pH.
Don't take Antibiotics , they will make it worse and harder to cure completely.
Antibiotics work indiscriminately, killing all bacteria, even the good ones needed to keep healthy - and the balance is delicate and hard to recreate without a lot of hard work and diet changes.
I use a vitamin C tablet (non-coated) inserted in the vagina for one or two nights in a row, and usually that helps a lot without any side effects. Vitamin C is naturally acidic and it is the by-product created by the cells that fight the bad bacteria, Vitamin C and Hydrogen peroxide are the substances your body creates naturally to combat overgrowth of bacteria.