Re: Dr. Hulda Clark on Toxins, Aids & HIV
What a fantastic message, you read, it made sense, you applied and are on a journey that leads to freedom, I wouldn't be surprized if by next month you have jumped the fence and experience FREEDOM!
The Dr. Clark books are all excellent to learn about our toxic world, her herbal methods are GREAT, do not get hooked on the use of of Synthetic Vitamins and electronic devices and the such, please read some herbal books before you get hooked on wrong things made by man.
I learned alot from Dr. Clark and I hope you take the time to aquire my free book, I specialize in Longevity and after you are free of toxic living, Longevity is your next step to freedom.
Being 41 can be like a child if you believe it! If you believe you die at age 65-85, then most likely you will. If you believe in Nature, you will know you are not really mature until age 125. Having children starts a clock for women that is hard to stop and turn back, but as long as there were no operations and dental metals, it can be done.
You want color is those cheeks??? GET REAL SUNSHINE DAILY! Stop mucus producing foods. You want tight skin and that 22 year old look the rest of your life? eat right and learn the use of the sitz-bath.
Many things to learn! If you can't feed it to a baby, then do not apply it to your skin! This goes for rings and metal frame glasses, etc. Treat your skin like the organ it is, expose it to the sunshine daily, all of it!