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MH your thoughts would be appreciated....
dar7726 Views: 5,223
Published: 21 y
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MH your thoughts would be appreciated....

I’ve recently stopped taking anti depressants… took 6 months to wean off of them and have been off completely for 8 months. I was diagnosed as clinically depressed many years ago… I originally went to talk therapy where I was told my depression must be genetic due to the fact that my mother seemed depressed to me… and that alcohol ran on both side of my parents families…

What was not considered or known at that time… was that I had taken 8 years of antibiotics for acne (tetracycline). I now know that antibiotics deplete your magnesium, and B12, and pours toxins into the body… All of which can cause depression…

So by the time I was 18 years of age I was on antibiotics and BC pills for extreme menstral cramps… I've also learned that this difficult cramps proves that I was high in estrogen and that BC pills were not the answer and only added to the problem…

Additionally I've learned that there is a link between high estrogen and yeast overgrowth.

Although I do not believe that antibiotics were the sole reason for my depression (since childhood was very difficult at best) I do believe it was a missing link that was not addressed…. I've also learned that the alcoholism that ran in my family and mental illness in general is more likely sugar related… That most alcoholics are indeed hypoglycemic… So there goes the genetic reasoning out the window.

But I took the bait… Believed the lie and took the AD's for more years than I'd like to think about…

Now with the recent information that has come out about AD's, I've learned that they are endocrine disruptors…. Increase the risk of getting breast cancer, and for me caused chronic insomnia for the last 8 years… and who knows what else.

I also suffered a retinal detachment 2 years ago which I believe was due to taking these poisons'...

I’ve recently seen a natural doctor and found that my Estrogen is 439... the normal range is 100... That is even after having a hysterectomy some 9 years ago…(Fibroids) Also a sign of high Estrogen.

My doctor has me on Indo 3 Carbinol, and Calcium D Glucarate to bind the estrogen and remove it from my body…I’m also using Frankincense, aYoung Livings Essential Oils..under the arms with a carrier oil to reduce the risk of Breast cancer…Along with a natural Progesterone (prometrium) made from yams and Dhea..

And I'm treating myself for the yeast overgrowth, with anti fungals and probiotics…

My doctor believes the high estrogen may have something to do with the chronic insomnia, and also suggested cranial sacral manipulation… I've had 3 sessions so far.

I'm rebounding, have changed my diet (actually I've changed that some time back...eating more natural healthy foods, and no processed or sugar etc), and am looking forward to spring when I can have a full year off the Ads and with a new view of health and life.

I've gone back to therapy to deal with the wide range of emotions that have exhibited themselves when coming off these drugs… I've had 3 doctors now tell me that withdrawal will take up to and possibly more than a year to get the CNS back in balance and that withdrawal off of AD’s is as bad or worse than cocaine.

I've just recently found your posts and have just started reading them...I know you talk a bit about there only being one cure...

I'm curious and wonder what advice you could give me in regaining my health I've wasted so much time already and don't want to delay healing any longer than necessary... I'm doing all that I know to do..but am open to other options and opinions.

Thanks so much,


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