A wise and wonderful post. Thanks,
Dear Daisy,
I want you to know how much I
enjoy reading your insightful spiritual postings on various forums. You're a wise woman who is
ripening spiritually with every
passing moment. I feel a real kinship with you. You've taught me
things I needed to know.
The above explanation of reincarnation is attributed to Bob
Kaplan. It's beautifully written.
I'm embarrassed to say that I've
never heard of Bob Kaplan. If you
can point me to him -- a book, a
website -- I'd appreciate it.
I hope 2005 is an especially satisfying year in your spiritual
quest, Daisy. May all beings everywhere, with whom we are inseparably connected, be fulfilled,
awakened, liberated, and free. May
there be peace in this world, and
throughout the entire universe, and
may we all together complete the
spiritual journey.
Owen Murphy (Om)