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fishingking00 Views: 2,896
Published: 21 y


Greetings all:
I'm a 27 year old guy, who spends more time than I'd like to admit on this forum. It all started when I was diagnosed as being bipolar 5 years ago. Reluctantly, I started the mecication, but stopped and started as my intuition and my parents belief in conventional medicine clashed. So, the problem didn't get better, as I sunk lower and lower. In retrospect, I see the solution clearly now, (a lack of absorbtion of B vitamins due to celiac (gluten intolerance). Anyhow, I stopped gluten, and gave me stomach a good six months to rebuild. Well, it did, but I never fully regained strength as Candida bit me hard. So, here I sit, ready to embark on a complete Candida protocol. I do feel much better, but still not 100%. My candida protocol is currently Capryllic Acid 2 caps/2X/day. I also take daily P+B shakes. I know the importance of the rotation diet, so that's where I'm headed. If anyone has some pointers which they found invaluable to beating Candida, I would be so appreciative.

Anyhow, other than my health issue, I love to fish, run, and study electronics. I'm currently a student of electronic instrumentation. So, hopefully I'll be starting a job this spring after I graduate. I'm also looking for a girl who shares my similar beliefs of health, love of the environment, enjoys challenging her mind, does not subscribe to most conventional medical thought. That's about it for right now.

Here's my email,


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