Hi... Intro and may I post a request for help here.
I was referred here by one of your members from the ECKnewsgroup.
J.R. suggested that I come here and say hi...
He mentioned that someone here has FSH MD...
Another not so nice disorder...
I have muscular dystrophy & so does my kid...
We hope for a cure too...
But right now we are having a rough time and need help rather badly...
May I have permission to post the following request for help.
If it is not ok - please edit the information as necessary.
Thank you...
Help is desperately needed for my family.
My child has autism and muscular dystrophy.
I also have muscular dystrophy and we need some assistance
with the cost of wheelchair van repairs.
If anyone would be interested in helping - please e-mail.
Or go to the website.
Contact me by e-mail for more information.
Any help would be really appreciated...
donatetodisabledfamily at telus.net <--reply using this e-mail addy.