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Hi Kat!
Again I welcome you. I have FSH- well, by faith I am healed, but I am still experiencing physical symptoms of the disease. I am about to embark on a Grand Experiment to see a complete healing.
I don't know what the rules are on soliciting financial help. So I'm letting your request stay until someone says differently. :-)
People have absolutely no idea how expensive it is to raise a child or be an adult with a serious disability. A power wheelchair costs upwards of $15,000, a wheelchair accessible van costs around $30,-40,000. You can find used ones, but they aren't cheap. The family HAS to have these vans. You can't take a child with MD or an adult with a crippling disease around in a regular car and lift him in and out of it. The child can't stay home all of his life. There are doctor visits, physical therapy, and just getting him to school and back. There are tons of other medical costs, plus the cost of making your home wheelchair accessible with ramps, special bathtubs, chair lifts to get them out of bed, etc.
MDA doesn't pay for this stuff. It pays a little for wheelchairs, but it's expected your insurance will cover most of it. For a family who doesn't have health insurance, it can financially bankrupt them. And they'll do it, because they love their child and want to do what they can for them during the time they get to have with them. Same for beloved adults.
So please don't take this as some whiney request for a handout. It's NOT.
Thanks, Kat, for giving me an opportunity to make a few folks aware.
Love and blessings,