Re: Nausea/Vomiting beginning of periods...
Asprin is very bad on the stomache, especially if taken on an empty stomache! For the migraines try using Lavender essential oil. Just place a drop or 2 on the places that are pounding, lavender is safe for use directly on the skin. It helps wonderfully! I use it for my migraines and almost always get help in about 5 minutes. I also have put a few drops on my abdomine to help with cramps, it cuts down the pain wonderfully! And if lavender doen't work for you peppermint does many of the same things. (depends on the person)
For the nausea and vomiting, go bland!! Toast without butter, milk if you can tolerate it, tums (calcium) also helps alot. Green tea is good for upset stomaches aswell, as is ginger ale (let it defizz a little). And be sure your replacing the fluids you lose by sipping water and gatorade. Also look into other natural rememedies for stomache upsets that will help.
If you do decide to consider BC pills be sure to ask the doc alot of questions. Don't just take them without bein certain you'll get some relife from them. If you won't then don't get them, and ask for ideas of what else to do.
Goid bless!