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Re: Eczema
mommy2brady Views: 2,826
Published: 20 y
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Re: Eczema

Wow you are a wealth of knowledge! Thank you so much for all the info you have just given me. I am going to take a look at both the websites and go from there. My son has only had Antibiotics once and it was about 3-4 months ago. We have no pets and I'm not too sure about our water here? As for dust mites I'm not too sure either. We are renting right now and I try to keep our place as clean as possible. (No carpeting in here only hardwood)

As for his breakout he has a patch on the back of his thigh and his calf that is very different then the rest of his body. It's very red and pronounced where the rest of his body it just looks as though the skin is bumpy. Not too sure if I'm explaining it properly but the bumps are the same colour as his skin, sort of like the skin is bumpy or rough like sand paper. The doctor said both rashes are eczema so I was just going by what she had told me.

How do I get my son to eat some of these foods if he doesn't like them? He loves broccoli and carrots and canteloupe, and sometimes squash and that's about all of that list that I can get him to eat. I haven't tried pink grapefruit but he loves oranges so hopefully he'll like that as well. He's 20 months old, would you say he's too young for a child's multivitamin, or is that not a route I should explore?

One more question. In your honest opinion, or anyone's here how much truth do you think is in this statement?

The bottom line: While I remain unconvinced of the long-term wisdom of immunizing everyone against this generally mild disease, the benefits of the vaccine seem to me to outweigh the risks for:

1) children with eczema (or other chronic skin conditions), asthma (or other chronic lung conditions), or a strong family history of allergic conditions;
2) adolescents or adults who have not yet had chickenpox; and
3) those who live in areas where immunization is widespread.


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