I have read through some of the posts about eczema and have found the info very useful. My son has had eczema since he was a baby, he's now almost 20 months. My doctor had prescribed Elidel to him, praising it to me since it didn't have any steriods in it. Foolishly I applied it 2x a day on his skin and it seemed to help. He recently had a flare up about 1 1/2 months ago and it hasn't gone away since, even with the cream. To my horror I read a blurb in the Today's Parent magazine about Elidel and the link to cancer. I was so upset that I cried and immediately through the crap in the garbage. Now I feel like I'm back to square one and I feel so lost. I live in Canada and if anyone can tell me where I can find some creams and lotions (natural) that I can use on my son it would be greatly appreciated. Is Burts Bees available in Canada, or any of the other lotions that have been mentioned?