Re: Rich women have abortions everyday.
"If you choose to be poor" how disgusting that you would even approach such a topic when someone is talking about wanting to get an abortion and not being able to because of not having the means to do it. As far as I'm concerned no one chooses to be poor. Families are working two and three jobs to provide for themselves and maybe 1 or 2 children these days. Society makes the working people feel poor because they can't get the help they need, because they are trying and earn maybe 2 dollars to much to qualify for help.
If someone is rich, someone else is richer. It's a vicious circle. No matter what one strives to do, cost of living goes up, or taxes go up, or health benefits are cut, or changed.
I don't believe in abortion, but if someone else does that is there choice and they should be able to do it. Without going to a butcher shoppe ( you all know what I mean) Hospitals should provide the service to anyone needing it.
The government has money to send men to the moon and further, so why not take care of what needs taking care of.
Yes, use protection you stated, even that is not 100 per cent a sure thing. Condoms break. Drugs cause all kind of damage to the body. Strokes, that could leave a young women paralyzed, if she chooses birth control.
God Bless and Keep you Safe and Healthy and WEalthy!