Rich women have abortions every day, only POOR and disadvantaged women are forced to suffer through unwanted pregnancies.
Abortions cost around 500 dollars or so, poor women often do not have 500 or so extra dollars.
Herbal abortion solutions, herbs that induce menses are available online, poor women often do not have computers or electricity to access age old herbal abortifactants and herbal spermicides.
Why do anti abortionists want disadvantaged seduced raped poor women to be forced to act as human incubators for some hit and run rapists or seducers spermatazoa leechen parasite?
Abortion is a non issue. strangers have no business forcing a female to act as an unwilling host to a males spermatazoa
parasite that feeds of the host and can threaten the life of the host. Many women still die in labor and many have c-sections, hysterectomies and are broken and bodily crippled for life from a bad pregnancy or complicated labor.
The males spermatazoa
parasite leeches calcium, nutriants, bone minerals, vital fluids etc from the host and busts up the hosts reproductive organs and body.
Anti abortionists who want to see poor women exploited as spermatazoa
parasite incubators and unwilling spermatazoa leechen hosts are in serious error.They are probably demon possessed. If an anti abortionist was raped by a diseased gonorrea infected male, had her head bashed in, was disabled and crippled and left poverty stricken and homeless after the rape impregnation assault, do any of you think the big mouth anti abortionist mysoginist control freak would want to let that leechen spermatazoa parasite feed off of her battered body for 9 months and a gonnorhea disease infected baby comes out needing millions of dollars of lifetime housing, institutional care and welfare medical care? The anti abortionists should pay all the medical bills and housing and food and care cost bills out of thier own mysoginist pockets, let the pedophille mysoginist poisonous pedagogy pope himself change all the dirty diapers. Anti abortionists hate poor women. The facts are OBVIOUS, the pedophille pope lives in a mansion of obscene grotesque luxury, the poor women he tries to force to uterally host a diseased seducers or hit and run rapists spermatazoa parasites, the poor women live in dire poverty and shanties. Anti abortionists are abusers of poor woman. Anti abortionists are reprehensible.
Rich women get abortions anytime they want, legal or not. And they reject the mysogyny of pedophille popes. mysogyny means women haters.
Poor women be notified: You do not have to be a host for spermatazoa
parasites that force thier way into your body. You can kill spermatazoa
parasites just like you kill any other unwanted
parasites that try to leech and feed off of you and rob you of your health and life.
If mysoginist, sexist, rascist, classist males got pregnant there would be free abortion clinics on every corner.
There should be free access to fast abortion and spermicides all over america and the globe.
Then we would not have unwanted rape concieved babies who are tragically birth defected. It is these unloved unwanted babies that grow up and start wars and bomb and abuse others.( see basic child developmental psychology and child development 101) Unwanted babies are a huge global problem, the solution is fast free abortions and spermacides as globally available to all poor women as a diet coke is.
No women on earth should be forced through rape, seduction, fake sexist, racist patriarchial pedophille run fraud religion or circumstantial poverty, to be a human incubator for a leechen spermatazoan parasite.