Re: I smell another SS.
Wow, that post really says a lot. First I'd like to tell you that I'm sorry that you had to go through what you did. But I'd like to make a comment about this. You said,
"I had an abortion years ago when I was younger. So, I really do understand. However, since then I have been saved, and my views changed. I feel that as scary and inconvenient it is to be pregnant when you're not ready the baby inside of you trumps any of those thoughts b/c he/she is a life conceived. To me, the baby outweighs the mother's choice of abortion."
--->>Well, that is great that you are now saved and your views have changed, but you said it yourself...YOUR views have changed. But just b/c YOUR views have changed, it's really not fair to take away the choice that YOU had many years ago from other women and girls. What if other people have different views or haven't been (don't want to be) "saved". Different religions, different beliefs, different views. Again, I'm sorry that you had to go through that, but at least you had a CHOICE. And to me, the mother's choice trumps the baby.
You also said,
"Abortion is a sensitive and complicated subject. There probably isn't one right answer. I am pro-life,.....IMHO, women will always seek abortions. The back alley abortions that we used to hear about were terrible, and many women died as a result of them. I suppose I would rather they can go to a doctor's office to have one so they have a safe abortion. But I think our leaders should saturate the media to tell women that you have the right to an abortion, but it should be considered an extreme last result. First, use birth control(and they should have it available for us)or abstinence. When you are about to make love, think first. B/c getting pregnant is no small matter."
--->>I don't want to startle you, but that sounds a little like pro-choice to me. And I don't mean that as a jab at all. That is where I happen to stand strongly. I like to call it pro-choice plus education! You are exactly right in so many of your statements in your final paragraph. "Women will always seek abortion...go to doctor's office for a safe abortion...leaders should tell women of their right to choice but consider it a last resort...think before making love." I don't think I've heard a pro-choicer on this board say it more eloquently. But sometimes, even when one thinks before making love...accidents happen, condems break, the pill doesn't work, life throws you for some kind of loop that changes all of your well laid plans. That's why I am glad that there are choices. And I'm glad you had a choice.
Also, I don't think of this as a women's right issue. I think of it as human rights. My body, my choice. I would feel the same way if men were the one's that gave birth (now wouldn't THAT be funny)!