Re: Abortion is the ultimate act of selfishness...
So if this poor confused girl got pregnant, would you deny her the right to have an abortion?
No, if she ASKED me for my opinion I would ASK her to give the baby up for adoption so that the baby would at least have a CHANCE at survival...
Would you force her to carry the baby to term?
Like I said before I dont FORCE NO I wouldnt FORCE her.
Force her to be an emotionally unready, overwhelmed mother herself, repeating the cycle or
Force her to give up the baby for adoption, the memory of which might haunt her like a black hole in her heart for the rest of the days, especially as she grows up to be a woman with an understanding what she had given away.
Giving the baby up for adoption would be traumatic but abortion would be worse in my's not like she's going to forget EITHER ONE...