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You're not that funny, Tom
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Published: 19 y
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You're not that funny, Tom

Tom, your lame attempt to embarass me is going to backfire on you.

I must say that even though you think I'm a low-life and are not going to talk to me, and that I make you sick to your stomach, I'm going to be talking to you, because I believe you are worth it. But quite honestly I think you're confused. It seems to me you don't know what to think. To me it seems like you've grown to love this new-found comfort from your little group of cheerleaders who keep patting you on the back for instantly jumping over to a completely different, intellectually dishonest way of life. If you WERE honest with youself you'd be able to answer a strikingly simple question such as "do you believe in right and wrong." This attitute you've newly developed in the past 2 days seems to be a far cry from what I saw you post just a few days ago. I don't think you know what the heck you believe:






At least I know what I believe...and my belief comes from the heart....I don't think you even know who you are. By the way, why don't you be a MAN and answer my question???




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