"As we’ve learned some believe that all pro-choicers are drug addicted, vile, people with no direction. Do you know that the vast majority of teenagers who match that description come from neglected homes? So by forcing birth you would just be producing more people who match the description you detest. Why would you want that?"
You know what Atalanta? When I see babies...heck when I see people I see hope. i see a future. I see possibilities. I see dreams and love and success. I don't see doom and gloom. I was adopted when I was 2 weeks old. i turned out just fine. If I knew someone who was considering an abortion I would offer to raise her child for her. I'd love that baby like he/she was my own and I'd give her great chance at life.
"Also if you are so pro-life what about once the baby is born? This is what bothers me the most about pro-lifers. The people who weren’t allowed to have the abortion are often the same people who end up on welfare. The same people that scream pro-life are the same people who want welfare to end.
I don't want welfare to end. That is a silly (and wrong) statement. I'm a big believer in welfare -- for people who honestly need help. I'm also a big believer in a church home, where any single mother would find more love, help (and money) for her needs than she ever thought possible.
single mothers have jobs all the time. Life is not easy. But people have lived happily poor throughout history. Having lots of money is not a prerequisite for happiness or success. There are much more important things in life, like love and your family.
Then again that mother has the option to put that baby up for adoption...where someone like me would give it a good home and a great chance to grow up happy.
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