And what exactly did you gain in this experience? Before you feel all superior over your post - go sit down and think about the value of your 'win' (and there was no winner - in my opinion).
You're working so hard at winning - that you've lost sight of your purpose. Your assertions were crap the first time you posted them and I thought you were kidding - or very embarrassed. Apparently you're feeling proud of that bit of work. it's truley pathetic. And yes, I can see where you may have been offended by some of Amber's words - but rather than beating it to death - why don't you just ask for an apology? And/Or be a big enough person to forgive her? Are we going to be hearing about this a month from now? Move on!
Get out in the real world. Volunteer your services at a shelter for battered women. Volunteer at a soup line, school, nursing home.... with open eyes and open heart. meet some other folks outside of your church. Go help some Mothers/babies who are in need - start walking the walk. This is total crap.