"Christmas (the whole month of December, really) is also generally hated, though you do like the days off from work -- you also like getting presents. Rounding out your hate would be a staunch right-winged America and of course any faith-based organization ie..churches. (It doesn't matter that these help feed and house poor people)"
I love Christmas, and I am an atheist. It's a time for family to get together. I could care less about the myth of Christian Christmas. I love decorating my house in lights, playing great music, having fun giving presents. I think you have Christmas all wrong...it's a pagan holiday. Has been, way before the birth of Christ.
I can find about a zillion website supporting this.
So, do you like to get presents, or do you give your presents to the poor? How about that lovely family of yours? Do they all voluntarily give away their presents to the poor? I think you're being totally over the top there.