Oh brother! I can't believe you would think such crap - and it's even more unbelievable that you would admit it!
Now tell me - are all fundamentalist Christians just like you? Why on earth would you think that everyone who doesn't believe as you - can be put into your twisted mental picture? I haven't been on this board long - but you sure seem determined to draw a picture of you=great and everyone who doesn't agree with you=not doing so great (in your words low-life, etc).
In my experience - people who are happy generally don't have to keep telling folks how great they are and how great their life is. They don't have to keep insulting others in order to make themselves feel better.
I think if I had to be married to someone like you - i would be just as unhappy as the picture you paint of us poor pro-choicers.
I must be crazy for even responding to this garbage!