No I don't think I passed it off as a joke....I actually do believe these things. The thing is, looking back I can see how I worded that post rather insensitively. It breifly touched on certain subjects in a way that would do nothing more than tick some people off. In that respect it was rather heartless. And for that I apologize. I'll try to be more sensitive and back up my statements better in the future.
I don't have time to go through it all right now but Amberlynne's reply did little more than justify her postition that I so eloquently stated. The only place where she differed strongly with me was the part about Christmas. But I don't think that it's too much of a stretch to say that non-Christians like most pro-choice people are would be put off by a Holiday that celebrates a person's birthday they don't believe in! This is not rocket science. You don't see right-wing Christians trying to push Christmas out of the limelight -- it's left-wing radicals, almost all pro-choicers, obviously. I'll comment on the rest of her post later.