Re: Your logic (redhead) is astounding
Then reinsert the fetus in the man and let him go through the 9 months of pregnancy, and then the ecstasy of labor. I will tell you now, few men could ever handle this. I'm not being flippant, I'm being realistic. Men are not made of the same stuff that woman are. That's why mother nature made us the way we are. And because men do not have children, they simply cannot conceive (no pun intended) the whole birth process. That's what burns me up, these self righteous men imposing their ignorance on our reproductive health.
Equal rights? Oh yeah, that's what it's all about. No veils for my face, thank you. I don't hate men, they need, however, to deal with their issues, and I need to deal with my female issues.
I for one am so happy that abortion is legal. I don't need one, never had one, but boy if I did, I'm glad I don't need to resort to something illegal, and possibly dangerous.
Scream all you want about responsibility, murder, blood and guts, whatever. Without legal abortion, the women of this country will be in very dire shape. You have simplified a very complicated issue down to, what appears to be, the lowest common denominator. It's not that simple, every case is unique, every woman is different. You simply cannot get on a soapbox and scream that everyone needs to be responsible, it ain't going to happen, you are just dealing with too many people. And those woman, should abortion become illegal, will, find other ways to have an abortion, no matter what.
By making abortion illegal, you will not prevent abortion. period.