Re: To Nancy
Madame Redheadedcutie,
Thank you for such a well thought out, precise,conscise,very articulated post. It is amazing how you let your feelings come through,and you brought out some very valid points that should be considered in ALL cases.
Abortion is the after thought of the cause, that has already happened. Any actions should take place before the need for abourtions. It want work in all cases but it is a place to start. I truly believe there wouldn't be so much animosity on this subject, in this forum. Most people want action after the deed has been done.
Case in point,AIDS,we know what causes it,and we know how to prevent it. But there are those that demand the government spend billions of tax payers dollars,to find a cure. Those people don't want to stop the cause, they want someone else to pay for thier actions. If they would keep thier mouth shut, thier pants on and thier hands in thier pockets, then the aids would dissapear on it's own.
Fornication causes babies,now if you could just reach those having problems understanding this,you may well be on your way to halting some of these seemingly insurmountable problems.
Ladies please,hold your flack,I do not wish to argue with anyone,these are just my thoughts. I wish that NO ONE had to suffer woman,man, family, but especially any unborn child.
Sincerely I C L