You have been answered over and over again and you obviously aren’t capable of seeing the complexity of this issue. Your argument gets weaker every time you open your mouth… or tap your keyboard.
As you’ve been told several times in several different threads – in several different ways – pictures like that have been taken to shock the viewer – and are not a true depiction of MOST abortions. You have chosen an extreme – that is very rare and only done to save the life of the mother. No one wants to be in a position to make a decision like that and when they are – they certainly don’t want dumb *****’s like you making the decision for them. When you talk about right to life – when do you think that right to life ends? Does it end if you happen to be female and reach child bearing age?
My question to you is - are you one of those guys who sits at his computer and talks big about saving lives of unborn children - or are you someone who is willing to roll up his sleeves and try to figure out how we can reduce the need for abortions and how can we take care of the unwanted children who are born every day all over the world.
I’ve been reading some of your posts… and they are just too silly to comment on. Sorry - this is a waste of time.