absolutely NO calls from your side of the fence to limit abortion in ANY way
I actually told you why in another post that you obviously didn't read well. But I will tell you again.
My side, as you put it, will not stand against any abortion becasue once you stand up against it and make it illegal in some cases then you have a very big problem and are limiting choice (FOR THE LAST TIME WE DON'T FIGHT FOR ABORTION WE FIGHT FOR CHOICE I don't know why that is too hard for your mind to grasp). If lets say late term abortions were made illegal, except in the case when the mommy is going to die, determined by cause A B or C, in which she can have an abortion. Then it would have to go through Burocracy where a group of men like you would sit around and decide the fate of the woman. I would not like to see that happen. ever.