Re: Do you believe in God?
Hi Sir/Madame,
I must take issue with the statement in the fourth line of your post.
I totally disagree . If as a christian you do not condem SIN,then you must be condoning it. You must hate the SIN but love the SINNER.
See 1COR.5:1-6 The APOSTLE PAUL was warning the people that they had a young man that was having or had sex with his father's wife. The church was not condeming this action (like you stated),and Paul told them they should turn him over to satan,(put him out from among them,until he repented) lest they became like him. A little leaven ,leavens the whole lump. Pretty soon the whole church would be guilty of sin.
As a true christian it is your duty to condem sin. If you don't reconize sin and tell your brother/sister of thier sins. How will you be able to help them and show them true love? No one loves to be corrected, because of human nature,but a real christian should welcome,someone showing them where they are wrong, so they can repent and get back on the right track,that shows maturity.
Sincerely I C L