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Re: For the women who want abortion banned
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Re: For the women who want abortion banned

And you aren't raping a beautiful innocent woman?

Need I go into the details pro-lifers never seem to want to talk about? You get to refer to the abortion situation from afar with flowery poetic ideals about saving innocence, while the woman and others have to actually live with reality, the guilt, depression, violation, physical and mental pain, anguish, regret, etc... but then you don't actually get involved with any of that nasty stuff do you?

Your opinion doesn't serve the woman, and in fact doesn't even serve the unborn baby you are claiming to save. It serves your ideals and what it does for you. Probably gives you warm fuzzies to project so much idealism on those less fortunate. A warm fuzzy for you, an invasion and second rape for the woman. I consider you as a rapist who rapes women through vote and influence. You vote or preach to remove a woman's control and decision for your own selfish idealistic indulgence. And the woman gets raped again a second time by politicians and preachers who get their support and are enabled by people like you.

Is saving a fetus worth the second raping of a woman? How about state sponsored rape of women?

Denying a woman control of her body is rape. The essence of rape is consent. Remove a woman's control of her body and consent and she is raped again. And you are responsible for removing her rights, and your ego gets the pleasure, so you would be the rapist. Doesn't sound so warm and fuzzy now does it? Spark any guilt? Second thoughts? Anguish? Welcome to the world a woman faces.

I don't want babies to be aborted, but I wouldn't rape a woman to prevent it. If you personally had to physically hold down the woman to force her to give birth I doubt you would be so eager to save that fetus. Again that would be involving you in the reality of the situation wouldn't it?

As long as you can just vote and preach from afar without getting your hands dirty with the reality of the situation you are all for banning abortion. Your voting and influence rapes real live women. Sleep well.


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