I think if we didnt live in such a greedy self important society women wouldnt be faced with these situations! The discussion here on this subject is ludicrous, those in moral judgement anyway, and those young women who have not realized the real agenda behind the eugenisists, realize that an unwanted child can ruin not only the life of the mother but the child too and would prefer to keep the child if they could, feel they have no recourse and most often they don't! These same eugenisists, not only promote abortion but also do what they can to devide us anyway possible. For someone like vtool to sit on his high horse screaming at anyone who doesnt fit into his box is a bigot at best and a phony in his agenda, with the discernment of a drone, religious fanatics whose self rightious claim to the moral high ground, but endorse the dog eat dog world of society at large, are no better, putting everyone into the anti holy camp! Even those pro abortionist from the family planning use women and there rights to raise a child in a safe and clean environment with a husband able to earn a living wage! I see these conflicts of misconstrued viewpoints as the equivelant of the roosters blaming the hens for the foxes skullduggery! Get a grip and look into the real issues of population control and the agenda to make america a third world country!