The last two days I have not had any sunlight at dawn or dusk. I did find a book, "Healing with Light" that gave some instruction and staring intently into color and light. I focused my vision on a speck of color on a wax candle and then a speck of light on a fishing reel. Interesting results. It seemed as if I could see into forever. The light took on a magikal depth as did the color become more full and intense. An interesting eye exercise but I think more interesting a spiritual exercsie. It is like owning a Motorcycle. Once you own a Motorcycle you will see Motorcycles everywhere. "Seek and you will find." I am coming to realize that all roads lead to healing and enlightement as long as one is seeking but one must be intent and diligent in their search. All lives end in death though unless one can walk into the depths of light and color and never return. One might die to the world of now and walk into the light. An interesing thought or maybe insanity?