I have recently begun sungazing again
I have started to peak at the sun again after a few months of not doing so. I was never a serious sungazer but I have noticed that when I sungazed I would be in a better mood and other unmeasured changes in my general outlook on life. When I did sungaze in the past, I noticed increased night vision. Once I had a spiritual experience, while sungazing: I could see lines connecting living objects including plants, animals, & people together. I am trying to improve very poor vision in my left eye and I hope a more regimented dose of sungazing will show better results then my previous sungazing experience but at least there were no negative results.
I only sungaze an hour after sunrise or an hour before sunset. I only gaze for 5-6 minutes but hope to get up to eight minutes in the next few months. It is recommended that you are barefooted with your feet grounded(touching the ground) but I have noticed no difference grounded or ungrounded. It is also suggested that you drink lots of clean water before and after sungazing but some sungazers eat or drink nothing at aLL. The sun provides all of their nutrients. I believe in the next age that energy from the sun may sustain the physical needs of all living things. In any case, I have never injured my eyesight after gazing at the sun on dozens of occasions. I would never recommend that anyone sungaze though. I believe it is calling. If you do feel called though, sungaze at sunset or sunrise please. You don't have to look directly into the sun at first. Look on the outer edges and work your way to the middle. Start slow and enjoy.
I will report what I am going through as the days progress and I hope others will report their experiences. I will also post information about sungazing as it becomes availabe.