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Please KEEP breastfeeding!

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Published: 19 y
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Please KEEP breastfeeding!

Dear mamaoftwo,

Please for your baby's health, keep breastfeeding thru 1 year.
I am also the mother of 2, the youngest, a boy, just turned two.
I also gained 60 pounds during the last pregnancy, 50 during the first.
I had high hopes that breastfeeding would slim me down fast; I did lose 30 from right before the birth until 2 months after. I breastfeed 1 year and though I'm still working on those extra pounds now 2 years later, I don't regret it at all.
My daughter (1st pregnancy) breastfed 14 months.
I am glad that my kids have never taken formula, never had an antibiotic, no ear infections, any colds they catch are minor (and only about 3-4 a year). They rarely go to the doctor. They are growing like weeds, lean and muscular. I ate lots of salads during the last (my son's) pregnancy, I just craved them. He begs me for spinach leaves at dinner (just the leaves, no dressing). My daughter asks for baby raw carrots for a snack. I truely believe they wouldn't crave healthy foods if I didn't eat them while pregnant and breastfeeding.

Please visit the Pregnancy, Birth, and Nursing Forum for support.


Don't let your weight issues obsess your mind. Instead, focus on the health of these miracles you have been blessed with.

Between pregnancys, I went on The Master Cleanse for 58 days (about 18 days too many) and lost a lot of weight. But, my obsession with losing more and more was addicting and as a result, I also lost a lot of hair about a month after eating again. I ignored my body's signals.

For me, so far this year, juice fasting, 1 week at a time is working.

You only have 4 more months to go. Why not fill up on raw foods (salads, fresh juice), soups, whole grains, first? Then, you'll have less room for the fattening stuff (dairy, eggs, meat). And don't forget, 2 quarts of water a day.

You can start preparing now for when you do fast in November. Your detox symtoms will be much gentler to your body.

May God bless you with wisdom and good health,


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