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Re: Any underweight fasters here?
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Re: Any underweight fasters here?

Ive been in both categories before.

If your underweight yes its great to do fasts. prolong fasts not as recommended unless you have alot of heavy metals or major detoxing of some sort.
Try short week fasts first.. and east up into your longest goal fast say 30 days.
I know juice fasting is great for underweight fasters.

in some ways our bodies still work similiar. We all either underweight or overweight are not assimilating the nutrients int he food that we eat.. whether because were eating a greasy hamburger and not getting much value from it.. or eating good food and not assimilating well because of toxic build up.

I recommend eating at leat 3 avacados a day and eating alot of protein rich foods.(organic) weight training also can help build up lean muslce. Cut caffeine and high sugary dense foods as this just depletes your system. Raw milk, raw butter, cheese is awesome for gaining and losing weight as it has the essential enzymes in it and your body can assimilate it and use it. sells raw unpasteaurized milk products their reputable and their stuff is great! a bit on the pricey side but its worth it.

I read this on a athletic website: I cut and pasted it here - pertaining to eating not fasting.

Snacking. Carry healthy snacks with you. If you are not able to fit regular meals into your schedule, eat and drink healthy snacks and beverages throughout the day. Eat extra snacks during the day when you do not normally eat a snack. Ideas for healthy snacks include fruit yogurt, cheese and crackers, peanuts, English muffins, multigrain bagels with cream cheese and jelly, or bran muffins. Examples of snacks that provide about 500 calories are listed below:

Eight saltine crackers, one ounce of cheese, and one cup of ice cream.

One cup (8 ounces) of dry cereal with one cup (8 ounces) of whole milk, and one banana, plus one slice of toast with one tablespoon of peanut butter.

Six graham cracker squares with two tablespoons of peanut butter, two tablespoons of raisins, and one cup (8 ounces) of orange juice.

Eat healthy foods that are higher in calories.

Bread: Choose heavy breads such as honey bran, rye and pumpernickel instead of lighter breads such as white bread. Add peanut butter, margarine, jam, or honey for extra calories.

Cereals: Granola, Grape-Nuts® and Raisin Bran® are healthy choices and have more calories per serving than puffed rice or corn flakes. The serving size of a cereal is listed on the food label. You can also add more calories to cereals by adding nuts, raisins and other fruits.

Fruits: Bananas, pineapple, mangos, raisins, dates and dried fruit have more calories per serving than watery fruits. Some examples of watery fruits are watermelon, grapefruit, apples, and peaches. A serving of fruit is one medium banana or apple, one-half cup chopped or canned fruit, or one-fourth cup of dried fruit.

Vegetables: Starchy vegetables such as corn, carrots, and peas have more calories per serving than less starchy vegetables. Some examples of less starchy vegetables include green beans, broccoli and summer squash. A serving of vegetables is one cup of raw, leafy vegetables or one-half cup of cooked or chopped raw vegetables. Add margarine, almonds and cheese such as mozzarella for extra calories. Stir-frying vegetables with canola or olive oil will also add extra calories.

Meats: Cook chicken or fish in a small amount of canola or olive oil. Red meats such as beef, pork, and lamb have more calories but they also have more saturated (SACH-er-ay-ted) fat. Saturated fat is a type of fat that may increase blood cholesterol. When you eat red meats, choose leaner cuts. Some examples of lean cuts of red meat are round or sirloin steak, ground round, fresh or boiled ham, or center loin chop.

Beans and legumes: Lentils, lima beans, chili beans, bean burritos and other dried beans are high in calories. These foods are good choices because they also provide carbohydrates and protein.

You can add calories to your diet by drinking juice, milk, milk shakes, and instant breakfast drinks to your meals or snacks. It is very important to drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration Dehydration is a condition that results from not drinking enough, or losing too much body water. Dehydration can cause serious health problems, and even death. Athletes have higher liquid needs because of water that is lost through sweat during exercise. Athletes need eight (8-ounce) cups of liquids each day, plus 20 to 48 ounces (two and one-half to six cups) of liquid per hour of exercise. For example, if you do a two-hour bike ride, you should drink about one cup (8-ounces) of liquid every 15 minutes. This would amount to about 64 ounces (eight cups) of liquid in two hours.

Always carry water with you (and drink it) on longer activities. You can wear a special bag or belt made to carry water on your back or around your waist. Drinking sports drinks for your liquid needs may be helpful for exercise that lasts longer than one hour. The best way to check if you are drinking enough liquids is to look at the color of your urine. Urine should be clear or straw-colored (very light yellow), with little or no smell. If your urine is dark-colored or smells strong, you may not be drinking enough.

Risks: You may add extra body fat if you gain weight too quickly. You may also gain extra body fat if you do not do strength training while trying to gain weight. Eating a high-fat diet to gain weight may increase your blood cholesterol. High blood cholesterol leads to heart disease.



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