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Re: Weight Loss

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countrygirl_roni Views: 1,168
Published: 18 y
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Re: Weight Loss

I had the same question before my first long fast. I was amazed by the answer my body gave me at the end. I had dropped 13 pounds before I started the MC, and lost another 25 by day 21 (after my liver flush). I gained back the "normal" 5 pounds plus a few more because I tend to hold a LOT of water when I'm not fasting. When my weight stabilized, I was down about 28 pounds from my starting weight. I maintained it for a long time (6 months to a year, can't remember now).

For me, I drop about 2 pounds per day for the first 5 days (mostly water); then the loss slows, but stays pretty consistant at about 5 pounds per week. This is the REAL weight loss to me. I have enough energy from the lemonade/juice that I can exercise. I don't feel like I've lost any muscle tone, even on the fasts where I haven't exercised due to severe back/knee pain. Our bodies are pretty smart, and if we are seriously overweight, it's going to clean out the fat first. The only down side to this is that the body stored a lot of toxins in all that fat, and it's going to come back into circulation. That's why keeping your fluid intake and bowel cleansing routines are so crucial. You want that stuff OUT, not restored to its comfortable hiding place!

Do your pre-cleanse, and when you're ready, jump into whichever fast/cleanse you decide is right for you. Then hold on for at least 5 days. Be prepared and keep drinking. Almost everyone has a rough day or days, but it gets easier once you get past that first big hurdle.

Most importantly, break your fast properly. Your stomach will be smaller. Keep portions small and eat more frequently. You'll be satisfied with so much less. And keep your diet clean and bowels regular. Then you'll keep off the weight and lose even more.

I'll be around for the next few months, so give a holler if you need help or have questions. And be sure to post your successes, because they'll be happening, too.



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