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Re: melasma
AmyK Views: 2,780
Published: 22 y
This is a reply to # 69,518

Re: melasma

Linda, you may wish to consider doing some organ cleansing, starting off with the bowel. The small intestine contains/produces about 90% of the seretonin in the body. Our gut also contains a lot of toxin and grime which interefer with our well-being. Have a look at the Master Cleanse/ Lemonade Diet or Bowel Cleanse pages which address the bowel.

Think of it as spring cleaning of your insides.

I had suffered from Depression (4 episodes (of which 3 were very serious, 3 medicated ones) and I feel better now than I have in the last 10 years.

The order of cleanses should be done in the following order:

Bowel (must)
parasite (strongly recommended)

I would recommend taking about 4-5 months to go through each of the above protocols, I was impatient and did them all in 3 months. Although I had great results, Round 2 of the all the above cleanses became more challenging. So with Round 2 I'm taking it at a slower pace to allow my body to adjust to the detox, healing and nurturing.

Good luck, keep reading and reading here and post again if you have anymore questions.




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