Day 3
6ft 244.5 start
233 now (yes I know thank you LOL)
OK well I am so glad you asked. My second day of fasting just passed; and I hopped on scale this morning.. Holy crap I mean literally. I am down 12 pounds. Granted a lot of that could be water but it seems everything I am drinking I am running to pee out... Also I keep pooping and I havent eaten anything so I guess that 40 lbs of truck rubber in your bowles is leaving as well. Tummy is much tighter and less dimples.. I can really feel it. I am not tired. Infact I may even clean today!!! LOL Hubby will fall off his chair when he hears that. I guess when I think back all the times in my life when I have lost a lot of weight it has been from not eating much. I have always been heavy if I was eating. Like my body just is not down with anything but salad LOL.... OK well I do like a man sized portion as well LOL. I was even watching food channel yestyerday.. For some reason I fond it empowering... That Rachael Ray chick slays me... I am feeling no hunger pangs... Maybe around 3pm but they pass. This is so wonderful... I mean right now I am loving everyone!!!!! (((((((((((hugs))))))))) Do you have any idea how long it would take me to lose 12 lbs if I hadn't found you guys? Before fasting was just an idea but when I began reading your stories I was like hey why not... Even the bible is down with fasting.... Ok must be 3rd day euphoria because I am rambling LOL