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Re: I'll join you, but doing a juice fast
countrygirl_roni Views: 890
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 693,727

Re: I'll join you, but doing a juice fast

Hi! I think you made a good choice. I've heard that Water Fasting should only be done when you have time to "take it easy".

I lost 17 pounds on the MC, regained about 6 when I started eating. I am holding a lot of fluid right now, so that will drop off really fast. I was reading my book last night and it suggested Watermelon juice, with the rind, for water retention. So I'm going to try that.

Last year I lost 38 pounds by a combination of the MC, juice fasting and a raw food diet. I kept it off for over 6 months with the high-raw diet. Then I went back on several prescription medications, got depressed, and allowed myself to regain all of it over several months.

Now I'm back off all the meds except an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory, which I'm trying to get off of by replacing it with juices. I have to stop taking them while I'm fasting anyways, and this will give me a chance to clean the chemicals out of my system....

So, I am starting this morning with the grapefruit juice, then the watermelon. I'm going to get some organic carrots, kale and cucumbers when I go to town today.

Hope you're having a great day. I'll check back in tonight (which will be tomorrow for you??)

Rhonda in Northern California


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